How do I join ROAR?

  • You can enroll on the website, but most want to connect by Zoom first

  • I am happy to hop on a call to discuss its value - just reach out

When will the calls be? What if I have to miss?

  • Time and date will be determined by the availability and preference of participants; we will make every effort to find a time or times that majority can easily attend

  • Physician schedules are seldom predictable so we will banish our expectations of perfect attendance from the beginning. This is why I’m designing it to be SO easy to access the replays via a private podcast. They will also be stored on the website. You are not losing out when you miss. You can have faith that you will get exactly what you need from this experience.

Will group work be as valuable as 1:1 work?

  • Short answer, YES! Longer answer - When we are courageous enough to share some of our individual work with others, we multiply and amplify the learning and the benefit. We are also shown quickly the we are far from alone in our particular struggles which can be relieving and quite healing.

Why is this program the one I should choose?

  • I actually can’t tell you that it is. I have a gift for using language and energy to shift momentum and I have a gift for connection. I have taken a circuitous route to get here and it has never made more sense than in this very context. I encourage people to tune into their felt sense of what is right, decide, and then lean in.

I have thoughts about the investment.

  • Welcome to the world! :-) I too had thoughts about the cost of coaching programs when I was new to this work. Since then I have invested a LOT of hours and dollars into various containers for my own enrichment and development and have seen the investment in myself compound dramatically. I see a HUGE difference in how I show up with colleagues, family member, friends, and most importantly for myself. And that investment makes it possible for me to show up powerfully in this space for you. I have absolute conviction that investing in yourself is never a risk of unmet value and that if you show up ready to go, then you’ll look back at any thoughts you have about this investment and beam at yourself with gratitude for taking what seemed like a risk at the time.

How do I get the most out of my experience?

  • Great question - I’m so glad you asked! The people who get the most benefit from these opportunities come with a curious mind, are open to new perspectives, and they come ready to do some work. People get the most when they do the exercises or assignments offered, take notes, and when they are not excessively attached to a fixed story about their particular woundedness that prevents them from moving on.

  • Plan ahead. Put the group calls on your calendar and try to protect that time as learning live in a group is the most dynamic way to experience this curriculum.

  • Schedule your 1:1s in advance; my schedule tends to fill up.

Are there pitfalls to be aware of?

  • Like anything, you will get out of this experience what you put into it. My best advice is to settle in a few minutes beforehand, be on time, review notes from previous sessions if useful, and track your progress longitudinally in a journal.

  • Also, if you notice yourself having an abundance of cynical thoughts during a coaching experience, count that as more information rather than a capital-T truth and let’s investigate. I am open for feedback, especially when it helps improve the offerings.

Do you have a refund policy or some kind of guarantee?

  • If you request a refund in the first 10 days of the program, one will be offered minus processing fees.

  • I cannot guarantee anything beyond my own presence and commitments but I will bring you those with a great deal of fidelity and joy

Are you still practicing medicine?

  • Yep. I work as Medical Director of the Center for Medically Fragile Children and round on newborns and attend high risk deliveries. And the occasional admitting shift or Locums gig.

Can we arrange a payment plan?

  • Paying in full is preferred. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please reach out.