Joy Creates Capacity

  • It's that time of year... Joy to the World, Joyeaux Noel, etc... but have you stopped to consider what JOY really is?

  • For me, Joy is an experience of meaning, alignment, and delight. It's a sense of rootedness and expansiveness a the same time.

  • It often arises in relation to other beings (people, pets) and is enhanced by a feeling of connection - including connection to our deeper sense of self.


Because Joy connects us to our deeper self, it also connects us to more capacity.  Capacity for connection. Capacity for patience. Capacity for clear thinking. 


Joy resources us and makes us a resource to others. 

Joy inspires us and makes us inspiring. 

Joy Points us toward creative, collaborative Solutions.


May your Joy shine brightly this season.


ROAR is a path to deep Joy.

It MIGHT very well change your Trajectory in important ways...

TRANSFORMation is a Joyful Adventure...

And if this is calling, YOU should connect. 


Reach out for a 1:1 chat to ask questions, to get clarity, to make it happen.

FAQs here


Resourced. Inspired. Ready.

-Chrissie Ott MD

PS: If you're thinking that you don't belong here, let's chat.  I've heard the following: But I'm in leadership...But I'm not in leadership...But I'm not practicing clinically....But I'm primarily clinical...But I'm self employed...But I'm too far gone... But I'm not feeling severely burned out right now...But I don't know the time of the calls yet...But I don't know who will be there...But I've never invested in myself like this before... But I've already used my professional development/ CME funds...Y'ALL. Stop listening to that little fearful voice.  It's trying to protect you but it's also keeping you from one of the most VALUABLE, rewarding joyful experiences you could have. Call me! 


ROAR starts in January.

If you're a mid-career physician ready for a way forward... If recovering your full humanity in a supportive community with evidence based coaching and seminar-like discussions you haven't had since undergrad sounds like a helpful plan... if you'd like to resist oppressive forces and work together toward physician liberation in all arenas, then opt in.

 Register by Dec 15th for a special surprise.

Limited to 25 (20 spots available as of today). 

It's going to be extraordinary.


Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.

Our Loveliness Is Indisputable. 


This One's For the Skeptics