Novel Spaces Create Novel Ideas
I'd like to take your brain places it's never been.
Are you down for that?
Would you like to go on a walkabout inside your own life?
Are you ready to get SO real? To be SO authentic? SO resourced and inspired?
This is not a 6-month long venting session and we aren't going to take on CMS.
But we will definitely find out new things about ourselves, our profession, and one another.
Novel spaces produce novel ideas. Novel ideas birth new worlds.
I see a future world where physicians step into their power.
A future in which we are as committed to taking care of ourselves and our families as we are our patients.
We are in need of fresh resources and inspiration.
We deserve this.
ROAR is a novel space for physicians ready to claim their future joy and agency. I just recorded a bonus episode of the podcast for you about it here.
It MIGHT be invigorating to spend time witnessing one another and considering new concepts together...
TRANSFORMation is worthy of your TIME and EFFORT.
And if this is calling, YOU should join us.
Reach out for a 1:1 chat to ask questions, to get clarity, to make it happen. FAQs here
Resourced. Inspired. Ready.