on presence

Excerpt from December Newsletter
I believe Presence is a prerequisite to connection. And I believe connection is what singularly heals trauma. So We, the walking wounded, the weathered and worn human family, require Presence. Presence implies present-ness- in both time and space. It implies awareness of self and others. It requires some of our very own time... a practice of some sort. It requires the body to be at rest or in an automated movement pattern, it requires breath. Presence returns us to our bodies- our spirit houses. And if we are not solidly in our spirit houses, we are spiritually houseless - wandering, grasping, left to the compelling draw of consumption and numbing. So much of our creative wisdom wants to be shared. Deep Presence is required for this to go well. Mindfulness is tucked neatly into Presence. Presence contains our deepest grief and greatest joy as well as the many beautiful paradoxes we encounter. Dedicating oneself to Presence is an act of Sovereignty. Power. Resistance. Care. And it is the very essence of our unique gift to the world. 
May we be Present.
May we experience conditions that support us in Presence.
May we experience our own Presence as the unique One Taste that it is.
May our Presence be a Blessing to the world around us.
May there be Peace.
Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


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