The December Holiday Hack-Fest

Here's my goal. Let's see if I come close to it.

I'm going to post ONE holiday or general life hack of tool each (remaining) day in December starting now.

OK- I know it's December 3rd but I am working on being an IMPERFECTIONIST so we are just going with it and I'll post 3 at once today.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is simply to LEAVE A SINGLE WORD COMMENT that represents your response.

Cool? Cool.

Also- I may share some good throw back pics to draw you in. Laughing is highly encouraged!

Here's what I think: We all have a BUNCH of hopes and fears around the holiday season. And they get real cozy in our heads and hearts and then we find ourselves white-knuckling through the darkest weeks of the year.

It's cold and wet (here in Portland anyway), it's hella busy, and adulting intensifies significantly during this time of year.

Whether we identify as an extrovert or intro/ ambivert, there re likely to me more social events than normal just when our body clocks are suggesting we put on our softest fleece pants and hibernate! So…


Your brain may already be telling you WHY you can't slow down yet. But you can slow IT down by asking it to speak in full sentences, record them or write them down and deal with each one one at a time. You can, you really can!

Find your calendar and carve out 30 minute pockets of SLOW TIME where you can. Maybe this is time for tea, gazing out the window, counting your breaths as they slow down or doodling… maybe a slow walk where you notice things around you in exquisite details. Hell make it TEN minutes or even TWO!!


This is the perfect time of year to take stock, reflect on where the past year has taken you and consider whether or not you feel deeply aligned with that trajectory.

I offer my 12x12 peeps a pre/post self assessment to take inventory of these trajectories. It's my version of the commonly used "Life Wheel" in coaching-world.

If you comment ALIGNMENT or TRAJECTORY in the comments, I'll send you the link.

TIP #3 for my day 3 start is this: SCHEDULE yourself some WARMTH.

Literally and figuratively. Get the hot pack or hot water bottle you usually forget about or the fleece pants and socks… find a sauna or soaking pool nearby. Get that body warmed up!

Then find your warmest friends- the one that gives the best hugs? The one that always feeds you? The one who won't ask any questions when you just call or show up to cry with them?

That one.

Make sure they are on your calendar. Looking forward to these oases of warmth can string together some light to help us through the dark cold times.

To Love and Purpose through this December Challenge!


Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.

on presence


love and purpose win every time