POV: When You Know What You Are Doing is Part of Your Ancestral Healing Work

I learned last year (from Ancestry.com) that one of my ancestors was a sheriff in South Mississippi in the 1920s. And while I am relying on generalized history rather than specific recounting, it can be pretty safely assumed that humans like him were responsible for unspeakable acts of violence and oppression.

Of terror. 

Of hate.

Of white supremacy.

I work as I do - in clinical service to the vulnerable and in measured opposition to those perceived to be misusing or at risk of misusing power because of an undeniable impulse to at least attempt to counteract the unhelpful and violent actions of those who came before me, especially in my own lineage.

Even though we are in a different time, and I'm not so naive as to believe anything can be undone,  these actions and steps toward peace, justice, and love matter.

I choose to believe our helpful and healing actions are recorded in some Akashic/ energetic field or record... something that cannot be created or destroyed...


It brings up for me some Butterfly effect concepts and ideas from an amazing book by Dr. Neil Theise called Notes on Complexity . (Highly recommend.) 

Our intentions, our actions, and our interactions matter.

Even and perhaps especially on the invisible level. 

Here are some prompt s you could choose to respond to for the next 30 seconds. 


  • What is happening for you on the invisible level right now?

  • Are you growing more or less aligned with what you value?

  • Have you decided or recently re-evaluated what you value?

  • Are you doing something that you understand to be ancestral healing work? 

I am a YES for that. I am a YES for aligned actions and acts of service. For being a resource and one of many sources of inspiration.

For helping others to be resources and inspiration in this world.


May you have a year that reflects your values, YOUR VALUE,  and your greatest intentions, especially on the less visible levels.  

-Chrissie Ott MD, PCC

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


On Solidarity and Striking


What Are You a YES For?