What Are You a YES For?

Here is a fun exercise for your first week post- holidays.  

The kids are back to school today and we have all been dropped off in 2025.

 I don't know if you have "picked a word" or set an intention or if you're are taking a Dry January but I do know this:


Clarifying what we are a YES for brings it into aour awareness and shortens the distance between us and the things we are a YES for.  


Here are a few of mine. Feel free to use this a starting point to make your own list and email it to yourself. 

  •  I am a YES for continued health and having fun in this body.  #SolvingForJoy

  • I am a YES for making and eating delicious, healthy-ish foods.  

  • I am a YES for the ongoing journey of trying to parent my spicy child with grace, patience, and humor.  

  • I am a YES for friends that can go from deep dives to raucous laughter in seconds.

  • I am a YES for karaoke. 

  • I am a YES for tracking expenses and bringing mindfulness and healing to my money stories.

  • I am a YES for family movie night with nutritional yeast and olive oil popcorn.

  • I am a YES for travel adventures.

  • I am a YES for our family  traditions and explorations with our little teardrop camper. 

  • And I am a YES for weekly visits with my 92yo mom who did the absolute best she could for me.  

  • I am a YES for leading the Physician Coaching Summit in 2025.

  • I am a YES for the amazing people in ROAR and my 1:1 clients outside of ROAR.  

  • I am a YES for continuing to be a big nerd about newborn anticipatory guidance and novel approaches to the care of medically complex children.

  • I am a YES for advancing my Pilates practice and my sitting meditation and kitchen dance party practices.

  • I am a YES for continuing to write these little love notes to you, my friends, and I hope you'll be a YES for receiving them. 


-Chrissie Ott MD, PCC

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


POV: When You Know What You Are Doing is Part of Your Ancestral Healing Work


My Own 2024 Reflections...