Undervalued, Overburdened

You guys. 

This is another common refrain. A pain point you are not alone with.

We exist in a system that asks us to be widgets... to cloak our individuality and conform. Standardize. Disappear. 

(Oh- and do more with fewer resources in less time, please) 

Sure, the Quality movement was needed, but even my friends at the AMA and NAM agree the pendulum has gone too far.

We got stuck in the ever-increasingly complex cockpit and the plane is full of more people and sicker people than ever with fewer folks on the flight crew.  

And now we are asked to serve the snacks and clean the toilets as well as fly the plane.  

In ROAR, we examine these experiences in community.

Not just to vent, but to deeply understand them and to make moves to counter them.

You'll learn and practice valuing yourself and right-sizing the efforts that do not truly serve your mission. 

Do not disappear.  

Do not comply in advance. 

Do not donate your agency.

Do not silence your voice. 

We need you and your voice.  


Changing Nothing Changes Nothing. LFG.  

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


The Not-Right-Nows: Compelling but Costly


Harm reduction is a valid response to perceived harm.