The Not-Right-Nows: Compelling but Costly

I understand how full your plate feels right now. When we’re pulled in every direction, the thought of adding one more thing – even something as powerful as coaching – can seem impossible. It’s tempting to defer, giving in to the cognitive error of Time Discounting wherein we tell ourselves, "It will be easier later..." or "I’ll do it when life settles down."

But let’s pause for a moment and consider: do we really think life is ever going to "settle down"?

And also - 

What is Time Discounting costing you?  


Here are some possible answers...

  • Clarity: That sense of certainty about what you want and where you’re going in your career and life remains just out of reach.

  • Satisfaction: You keep showing up to the same routines, feeling off, knowing you deserve more fulfillment but unsure how to find it.

  • Relationships: When you’re stretched thin, it’s harder to connect with the people who matter most – both at work and at home.

  • Cognitive Pliancy: The mental flexibility that allows you to problem-solve, adapt, and imagine fresh solutions is dulled under the weight of burnout or overwhelm.

  • Resourcefulness & Inspiration: Without new tools, perspectives, and intentional reflection, you stay stuck in the same loop – instead of tapping into the creative energy that helps you thrive.

ROAR isn’t just another thing to do. 

It’s a space where you reclaim your energy, sharpen your clarity, and rediscover what’s possible.

By deferring, you delay mastery of the very tools that will help you navigate the current challenges with confidence and freedom.

What if now is the exact right time to start?

Your future self will thank you for taking this step today.

One of ROAR's First Lessons: Finding time.  

Yep. You may learn that you are spending more time than necessary on tasks without a meaningful payoff.


Instead of SPENDING time, we INVEST time. And investments grow dividends. 

If you had told pre-coaching me that some day I would have a satisfying 0.6 clinical FTE, a very full home life, an elderly mom I am responsible for, and a business that feels like a passionate love affair all at the same time, I would have thought you were high. 

But here we are.

I received the benefits of having a spotter - a coach - to help me DIVEST my time from ish that did not multiply my time and INVEST in the stuff that DOES. 


I overcame the Reward-Repelling forces of Time Discounting and you can too.  


Join Us. Because changing nothing changes nothing.  

Enjoy the Stones tribute today!

Resourced. Inspired. Ready.

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.

 As medical professionals, we live by the principle of "first, do no harm"


Undervalued, Overburdened