We cannot be in service to that which we are undone by.

This little TRUTH 💣 was delivered by one of my  most beloved teachers last week, and not for the first time.

It is a TIMELY reminder that if we want to be of service to a thing, we need to shore up our own capacity and up-skill ourselves at regulating our nervous systems even in the face of destabilizing circumstances. 

In Medicine, we need to expect ongoing challenges.



Rapidly changing terrain.

Personnel shortages.

We need to prepare ourselves for this reality. 

What do we need when we come undone

Quick Tip:

Finding and practicing your most USEFUL THOUGHTS in combination with nervous system regulation like 60 seconds  of S-L-O-O-O-W breathing helps. Being in community helps. Boundaries help. 


Whatever you are feeling most undone by....

-Finances, Relationships, Parenting, Caregiving, Work, Climate Change, the Generalized Gathering Darkness, Personal Losses, or perhaps some combination of the above...


Let us reduce the external to its leanest, simplest truth without elaboration.

Let us separate our despair or disdain from the simple truth and peer at it with clear eyes and confidence in our capacity to respond. 

Let us ROAR.



Here's to our buoyant strength, intelligence, and capacity to be of service.

w/ ♡, Purpose, & a Satisfying Roar

-Chrissie Ott MD

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


We got HERE by human design and we can get THERE by human design as well.


“Don’t Ever Let Nobody Tell You What To Do”