We got HERE by human design and we can get THERE by human design as well.

ROAR is bringing...  


  1. HUMAN CENTERED APPROACH. This group is going to be Real, Raw, and Related. Fully human. We are carving out space where you can bring what you've got and can go after what you want. This is where isolation goes to die. What would it be like to connect deeply to your humanity and a band of familiar friends? 

  2. DECISIONS AS EVIDENCE. Our decisions (or postponement thereof) are evidence of our commitment to values, whether acknowledged or not.  What are you currently deciding? And do you like the why?

  3. CLARITY and FREEDOM. Our Clearest Thinking. Thinking that is getting liberated from our deep conditioning as physicians. Are you tracking or challenging your most practiced thoughts? Are your thoughts even truly yours? 

  4. ALIGNMENT. Ultimately this work is about aligning deeply and authentically with our core values, finding ways to remedy gaps in alignment or making courageous changes in service to Alignment. Where do you feel the need to re-align? Where is your life do have time and space carved out to align with YOUR OWN INNER KNOWING? 

  5. CAPACITY. More than resilience even, our capacity dictates when we fall into overwhelm or languishing. We need to offload non-essentials and use our enormous capacity in purposeful, boundaried ways. Joy and alignment build capacity. What do you need to offload so that you can grow your capacity toward that which you yearn for/'

  6. POWER. Whether we think power-with  power-over, or power-to, we often hold more power than we realize. Join us to explore this premise. Where in your life could you be expressing your power differently? How does privilege or supremacy culture eek its way in? What power is possible in a room of 25 physicians dedicating time and space to truth telling and skills building nd courageous action? 

  7. HOLDING SPACE. We physicians are often quite busy holding appropriate space for the suffering and healing of others. At some point, we need to be held as well.  WELCOME.  This container is quite singular. Come and be part of the honor that is holding space intentionally for your physician comrades as they hold space for you. This is how we Recover. Reclaim. Reignite.


This is how we ROAR.


You might be looking at this experience to help you make a professional move...

To prepare for (or leave) your CMO role...

To leave your current practice... (or to figure how the hell to stay)

To think deeply about your stretch goals and strategies to get there

Or navigate tricky relationship dynamics at work

Perhaps you need to get serious about your own health habits 

Or how you speak to your kids


Ultimately this is the groundwork for ALL of these things and more.


I offer ALL of my resources and presence to you through this program - as a physician, coach, entrepreneur, wellness leader, and creative... but mostly as a friend on the path who has the desire to share.


We will become closely acquainted in the next 6 months, and I for one and looking forward to that.



Changing Nothing Changes Nothing. LFG.


 Reach out for a 1:1 chat about how this might be a fit for you and how to make it happen. FAQs here


Resourced & Inspired,

-Chrissie Ott MD

PS: If you think this could be right for someone in your world,  please forward the message. 🖤


ROAR starts in January.

If you're a mid-career physician ready for a way forward... If some community and some evidence based coaching sounds like a helpful plan... if you'd like to curb your perfectionism and perfect your NO, then opt in. Doors close Dec 15. Limited to 25 (20 spots still open as of today). 

It's going to be extraordinary.

Chrissie Ott

Chrissie is a physician, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting healthcare professionals and creative people in general connect with joy to their big-P purpose so that they can give their gifts to the world.


What does your Future Self need you to know? 


We cannot be in service to that which we are undone by.